Our Community
The Department of Black Studies takes great pride in our faculty, staff, students, and alumni. We have an amazing group of individuals in our space that are doing hard work at the University and beyond. Here you will find various interviews conducted throughout the years. We talk everything from personal, professional, and academic life to the hard realities facing the city of Chicago. More importantly, we get an inside look at how our faculty and staff are creating positive impacts on students at UIC and residents of the city.
Learn more about the UIC Black Studies Community
Faculty Spotlights Heading link

Jaira Harrington
This Fall 2021 interview with Jaira Harrington speaks about her time as a new professor within UICs Black Studies Department.

David Stovall
An interview with Prof. Stovall covering his research and work with Chicago Public Schools.

Amanda Lewis
Speaking with Prof. Lewis about her new co-authored report on Black people in Chicago and her research on education.

Mario LaMothe
Asst. Prof. LaMothe talks about his path to the Department and research on Vodou.

Helen Jun
Dissucsion with Assoc. Head, Helen Jun's background at UIC and her goals for the Department.

Alumni Spotlight: Amanda McDonald Heading link
Hearing from McDonald, winner of the 2019 Grace Holt Memorial Award.

Alumni Spotlight: Terrion L. Williamson, Ph.D. Heading link
Hearing from Williamson, 2018 Grace Holt Memorial Keynote Speaker, about her academic career at UIC.