Grace Holt Celebration
The Annual Grace Holt Celebration serves the purpose to engage our community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni with emerging scholars and pressing issues in Black Studies as well as provide a space for reconnection and networking. We believe that training in Black Studies is critical for our students as they enter an increasingly tumultuous world and that we provide an important companion to many professions ranging from health care, to business, law, and public policy. This was Grace Holt's vision and we are committed to sustaining it even in challenging times. Each year, we honor Grace Holt's legacy and celebrate our community through the Grace Holt Luncheon where we present student awards and the Grace Holt Keynote Lecture featuring a scholar in the field of Black Studies.
GH Annual Luncheon Heading link
Dr. Jane Rhodes delivers open remarks to 2020's Grace Holt Luncheon
Guests at the 2020 Grace Holt Luncheon
Entrance to the African American Cultural Center for the 2020 Grace Holt Luncheon
2020 Grace Holt Memorial Awardee Deziree Brown poses with Dr. Helen Jun
2020 Grace Holt Awardee, Ogechi Oparah poses with Dr. Helen Jun
2020 Grace Holt Memorial Awardee, Gabrielle Powell poses with Dr. Helen Jun
2020 Black Studies Departmental Awardee, Jasmine Roberson poses with Dr. Helen Jun
2020 Black Studies Departmental Awardee, Melissa Danikowski poses with Dr. Helen Jun
Professor and Dept Head Jane Rhodes with 2018 Grace Holt Award recipients. From left to right: Jon-Tel Carter, Rasaan Booker, Prof. Jane Rhodes, Tauja Merriweather, and Regina Baker.
Canisha Russ (AAST minor) singing at the Grace Holt Legacy Luncheon
Guests at Legacy Luncheon
Cecil Curtwright, Associate Vice-Provost for Academic and Enrollement Services and member of the Honors College faculty at UIC.
Terrion Williamson, Assistant Prof of African American and African Studies, American Studies, and Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies at University of Minnesota. Terrion Williamson was the 2018 Grace Holt keynote speaker/guest. Williamson received her BA in English and AAST from UIC and is a former Grace Holt award recipient.
Grace Holt Honorable mention recipient, Jon-Tel Carter posing for photograph with guest.
Zakkiyyah Najeebah, photographic artist, educator, and documentarian, speaking to attendees at the Legacy Luncheon. Najeebah is pursuing her BA in Art History and AAST at UIC.
Tauja Merriweather (AAST minor) accepted the Grace Holt Honorable Mention award at the 2018 Legacy Luncheon.
Grace Holt keynote speaker, Terrion Williamson, speaking with AAST Professor Cedric Johnson