News David Stovall on how the pandemic exacerbated already exisiting inequalities in schooling and Education "Many parents do not have the resources to pay for a private pod instructor or can't afford to take off from work — or aren't in a job where they can work from home — in order to instruct their own children." David Stovall discusses with CBS 2 Chicago the factors behind violence in Chicago "Chicago ranks as number one in the gunviolence database." David Stovall explains to NBCNews why bringing federal officers to Chicago does not solve any of the city's real problems "If they are just going to ramp up what is existing, then that could mean more arrests and, in the worst case, more fatalities." David Stovall's co-authored Op-ed is cited in an article that underlines how "schools and courts oppress Black students" "Even apart from the strains imposed by remote learning, Black students are disciplined and arrested at school at disproportionately high levels, an analysis of federal data from 2017 by the Education Week Research Center finds." Affiliate Faculty Kishonna Gray addresses how sexual harassment and assault affect marginalized folks in gaming communities "Gray says a mix of entitlement culture, toxic masculinity, and not having respect for others can allow harassment to fester. Another issue she explains is people may not understand what abuse looks like." Barbara Ransby writes about how today's young activists carry John Lewis' legacy "Those who criticize young activists today as too radical or impatient should remember the John Lewis of 1963. He was the youngest speaker at the historic march on Washington, at the age of 23." David Stovall Co-authored Op-ed on schooling practices and polices & its criminalization of Black youth "Schooling has a reckoning to do: It does not enact #BlackLivesMatter in pedagogy, policy or practices." Barbara Ransby on why the 'White Left Needs to Embrace Black Leadership' "This is not like the 1960s. White people marched in civil rights demonstrations, formed committees on interracial cooperation, and joined with the Black freedom movement, but the fire this time is hotter." David Stovall on what it means to Defund the Police "When we talk about defunding the police, the issue is, how can those resources be used to do other things than fund that particular institution" David Stovall 'Reimagines' Student's safety in schools “If we center our the expressed needs of people who are experiencing...the oppression, then we have a greater chance to move towards a solution” Prev 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … 18 Next