News Professor Forman quoted in LA Times Article Jane Rhodes interviewed on WGN News Story, Fred Hampton: Fact vs. Fiction Dave Stovall was a featured panelist on "Chicago Tonight: Black Voices" to discuss the Chauvin trial, racial justice, and policing Dave Stovall quoted in Wisconsin Public Radio story on racially hostile environments at Burlington Schools David Stovall, a criminology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago who studies the intersection of race and school, said that while some districts might be called out through complaint processes like DPI's or via lawsuits... Chalkbeat Chicago interviewed David Stovall on fundraising disparities in Chicago Public Schools Friends Of groups became more common in Chicago in the 1960s, he said, when white families, in response to more Black and Latino families moving into their neighborhoods, moved their children to magnet schools or to other schools outside of the areas Amanda Lewis quoted in a Washington Post story about the legacy of the Great Migration & efforts to preserve landmarks "Another benefit of the renewed interest, Lewis and others hope, is the spotlight it will shine on key Black figures. Chicago is considering landmark status for the Phyllis Wheatley Club and Home..." Barbara Ransby comments featured in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution profile of civil rights icon Ella Baker "Baker, who was vocal about sexism in the civil rights movement, sought to change the way people viewed leadership, according to Barbara Ransby" Amanda Lewis, with other UIC Faculty, published "Chicago's Racial Wealth Gap" Report "Through one-on-one, in-depth interviews, the investigators found that intergenerational transfers of resources are the main driver of the racial wealth gap in the middle class..." CNN online story about Black women's roles in the civil rights movement includes an excerpt of Jane Rhode's book "While the (Black Panther) paper's iconography celebrated strong Black women carrying weapons and functioning as dedicated soldiers to the revolutionary cause, the texts tended to argue for an assertion of masculine authority..." Barbara Ransby featured in PBS Documentary series, "The Black Church" At times jarring, at times poignant, the documentary is riveting, with prominent Chicagoans such as...Barbara Ransby, professor at UIC, accompanying viewers on this voyage through the spiritual history of Black Americans. Prev 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 18 Next